
Insomnia: Overview and More

當我們一兩個晚上無法入睡時,我們許多人會折騰,轉動或觀看時鐘。但是對於某些人來說,不安的夜晚是例行的。 美國國立衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的數據顯示,超過4000萬美國人患有慢性,長期睡眠障礙,另有2000萬美國人偶爾報告睡眠問題。 壓力和焦慮可能會導致睡眠問題或使現有問題惡化。患有焦慮症會加劇這個問題。 睡眠障礙的特徵在於異常的睡眠方式會干擾身體,心理和情感功能。壓力或焦慮會導致嚴重的夜晚無法入睡,就像其他各種問題一樣。 失眠是臨床上的術語,適用於無法入睡,難以入睡,太早醒來或感覺不舒服的人。 其他常見的睡眠障礙包括睡眠呼吸暫停(呼吸道阻塞引起的大聲打nor),夢遊和發作性睡病(自然入睡)。不安定的腿綜合症和磨牙症(睡覺時磨牙)是可能也導致睡眠障礙的疾病。

Many of us toss and turn or watch the clock when we can’t sleep for a night or two. But for some, a restless night is routine.

More than 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders, and an additional 20 million report sleeping problems occasionally, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Stress and anxiety may cause sleeping problems or make existing problems worse. And having an anxiety disorder exacerbates the problem.

Sleep disorders are characterized by abnormal sleep patterns that interfere with physical, mental, and emotional functioning. Stress or anxiety can cause a serious night without sleep, as do a variety of other problems.

Insomnia is the clinical term for people who have trouble falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, waking too early in the morning, or waking up feeling unrefreshed.

Other common sleep disorders include sleep apnea (loud snoring caused by an obstructed airway), sleepwalking, and narcolepsy (falling asleep spontaneously). Restless leg syndrome and bruxism (grinding of the teeth while sleeping) are conditions that also may contribute to sleep disorders.

Source : ADAA


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